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Nutra Bio Pre Stim Free

Only $1.99 per serving!

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  • Builds explosiveness, power, and strength†
  • Enhances endurance and increases reps†
  • Accelerates performance and recovery†
  • Supercharges mental focus and acuity†
  • No proprietary blends and full label disclosure.
  • 6.5GLeucine & Creatine
  • 3.2GBeta-Alanine

NutraBio PRE Stim-Free, as the name implies, is our stimulant free version of our PRE formula. We created PRE Stim-Free for those individuals who are sensitive to ingredients such as caffeine, hit the gym late at night, or otherwise want a pre-workout with the performance boosting ingredients found in PRE minus the stimulants. To that extent we can say PRE Stim-Free is absolutely the most thorough, effective, and purest stimulant free pre-workout in existence. PRE Stim-Free is built upon clinically dosed and scientifically backed ingredients proven to maximize workout performance and produce results. Athletes of all levels realize that in order to achieve the most effective training session that strength, endurance, energy production, and focus are a must. A complete stimulant free pre-workout supplement should support all of these benefits. The synergistic combination of ingredients found in PRE Stim-Free help prepare your body physiologically and psychologically by supporting increases in muscular strength, power, and endurance, enhancing the mind-muscle connection, and combatting fatigue.  From top to bottom PRE Stim-Free will help keep you training stronger and longer. Take a deeper look into PRE Stim-Free and you will find:

  • Clinical doses of 15 research-backed ingredients
  • Beta-Alanine to increase endurance and help counteract fatigue caused by hydrogen ion accumulation.
  • Pharmapure creatine monohydrate for greater strength, power, and muscle growth. Creatine MagnaPower for increased solubility and absorption.
  • L-Leucine to help stimulate muscle protein synthesis, prevent muscle catabolism, and lessen recovery time between sessions.
  • Huperzine A to promote a strong mind-muscle connection and supercharge mental focus.
  • Betaine anhydrous to support creatine production, increase power and strength output, and protect cells from dehydration.
  • Agmatine sulfate and Nitrosigine to stimulate nitric oxide pathways leading to greater vasodilation and bigger muscle pumps.
  • Electrolyte and hydration optimizer that helps maintain water balance in the muscle, facilitates motor neuron function, and increase exercise capacity.

Since day one NutraBio has never been happy maintaining the status quo when it comes to pre-workouts. We have always been the innovators; not the replicators. Although the industry makes it seems like non-proprietary blends, proper dosing, and scientifically backed ingredients are something new; the fact is NutraBio pioneered this trend over 15 years ago.  We focused on creating the best, and we've done just that with PRE Stim-Free. PRE Stim-Free has everything you need in one comprehensive, open label, clinically dosed formula and nothing you don't. We pride ourselves on purity. What you see on the label is exactly what you get. PRE Stim-Free contains no fillers, excipients, proprietary blends, or other potentially unhealthy or unneeded additives.
At the end of the day, NutraBio isn't just about marketing hype and trying to maximize our profit. It's all about giving athletes what they want to meet their performance needs by giving them access to clean supplements that are innovative and effective. Like you, we want to train hard and see the results of our efforts.  Compare NutraBio PRE Stim-Free to any other stimulant free pre-workout on the market and ask yourself whose formula was created WITHOUT COMPROMISE. We think you'll find that even the most "self-proclaimed" strongest formulated stimulant free pre-workouts pale in comparison to PRE Stim-Free.
Game over. NutraBio PRE Stim-Free dominates the stimulant free pre-workout landscape.

The Science Behind NutraBio PRE Stim-Free

A closer look at the 15 ingredients and doses used to make NutraBio PRE Stim-Free the premier stimulant free pre-workout on the market.



  • Leucine is one of the essential branched chain amino acids (BCAA). By itself it can stimulate muscle protein synthesis; the process responsible for muscle growth and recovery.  This is why it is often referred to as the "main" amino acid.
  • Supplementation with at least 2/grams daily leucine has been shown decrease muscle soreness, lessen recovery time between workouts, and increase lean muscle mass.
  • Howatson et al. (2012) discovered that leucine (combined with isoleucine and valine) administered before muscle damaging resistance exercises reduced indices of muscle damage and accelerated recovery in resistance trained males.
  • NutraBio's leucine is derived from fermented vegetables sources as opposed to animal based sources.


  • Beta-alanine (BA) is a version of the amino acid alanine which serves as the precursor to carnosine (ß-alanyl-L-histidine) in skeletal muscle.  Supplementing with BA is a highly effective means of increasing muscle carnosine content.  Increased muscle carnosine helps buffer the negative side effects of hydrogen ion accumulation in muscles as exercise intensity increases.
  • Beta-Alanine supplementation has been linked to improved exercise performance and delayed fatigue at higher intensities in both trained and untrained individuals in events lasting 1-4 minutes. 
  • Increases in lean muscle mass and muscular endurance have also been noted with supplementation.
  • A recent meta-analysis confirmed the ergogenic effect of beta-alanine, showing a 2.85% increase in exercise performance compared to placebo when dosed at ~2/grams daily.


  • Creatine is an amino acid (broken down protein) derived compound produced in the body that serves as the primary fuel source (ATP) for short duration, high intensity activities such as sprinting and weight lifting.  Creatine is stored primarily in muscle tissue, and it is used for rephosphorylating ADP into ATP. This means that when our muscles use up our energy stores, creatine helps to replenish those stores in a fairly rapid manner.  Approximately 2 grams of creatine are found in individuals that do not supplement and maintain a diet including animal based proteins.  Those who do supplement can increase their body's internal creatine pool by 10 to 40% depending on diet and total lean muscle mass.
  • As a whole creatine is arguably the most extensively researched and effective supplement available today.  Over 500 studies exist of the ergogenic benefits of creatine supplementation with over 70% of these studies producing significant improvements in performance without any detrimental side effects.
  • Creatine has been proven to increase lean muscle mass, maximal strength, power, and muscular endurance. 
  • Creatine may also help keep you hydrated in extreme outdoor conditions
  • Emerging research suggest creatine may provide cognitive and overall brain health benefits.
  • Creatine MagnaPower is more soluble than creatine monohydrate and in theory should absorb better; requiring a lower dose to achieve the same ergogenic benefits as creatine monohydrate.
  • The ISSN (International Society of Sports Nutrition) position stand on creatine monohydrate (CM) found that short-term CM supplementation has been reported to improve maximal power/strength (5–15%), work performed during sets of maximal effort muscle contractions (5–15%), single-effort sprint performance (1–5%), and work performed during repetitive sprint performance (5–15%). Long-term CM supplementation appears to enhance the overall quality of training, leading to 5 to 15% greater gains in strength and performance.


  • Betaine, scientifically referred to as Trimethylglycine, is a metabolite of choline.  Betaine's two main functions in the body are as a methyl donor and osmolyte.  As an osmolyte, betaine protects proteins, cells, and enzymes from heat, dehydration, and other physiological stresses.  As a methyl donor, betaine is used to convert homocysteine to L-methionine, and is therefore, a precursor to creatine.
  • Doses of 2500-6000mg betaine daily may increase muscular strength, endurance, and total training volume.
  • Betaine also plays a role in hepatic fat metabolism, promoting muscle protein synthesis, and has been suggested to increase nitric oxide levels.
  • A study conducted by the University of Connecticut found that individuals supplementing with 1.25 grams of betaine twice/daily increased bench press power 20%.


  • Malic acid plays a vital role in the Krebs cycle where it helps turn carbs, proteins, and fats into energy.
  •  If there is an inadequate supply of malic acid in the body the Krebs cycle cannot function properly which leads to premature fatigue.



  • L-Citrulline is an amino acid that plays an important role in nitric oxide metabolism and regulation.
  • It is converted to L-Arginine in the body to support L-Arginine and nitric oxide levels.
  • Increased production of nitric oxide (NO) promotes vascular dilation which improves oxygen and blood circulation throughout the body.
  • L-Citrulline is also expected to relieve muscle fatigue through ammonia elimination.
  • A 2015 study conducted by Bailey et al. found subjects who supplemented with 6000mg L-Citrulline for 7 days were able to improve oxygen uptake and performance during high-intensity exercise.


  • Agmatine Sulfate is a byproduct of Arginine through decarboxylation. It produces other byproducts that are involved in cell growth, structural and metabolic support to the nervous system. 
  • Decarboxylated arginine cannot be broken down in the liver and consequently increases blood flow to working muscles through vasodilation.
  • Agmatine has also been shown to manipulate pain receptors which may allow you to train past normal pain thresholds.
  • PRE uses a vegan source of agmatine that us derived from fermented plants.


  • Nitrosigine is a bonded complex of arginine and silicon that helps enhance nitric oxide levels to a greater degree compared to arginine alone.
  • Increased nitric oxide levels promote the relaxation of smooth muscle in blood vessels, increasing blood flow to working muscles.
  • In pre-clinical studies nitrosigine was found to be more biologically active than arginine chloride.  The research also showed enhanced blood flow during and after exercise which may help with muscle growth and recovery.



  • Tyrosine is an essential amino acid whose primary role in the body is as the direct precursor to thyroxine and to the hormones dopamine, epinephrine, and norepinephrine.
  • Tyrosine may improve both endurance and anaerobic performance via metabolic and/or neurotransmitter upregulation.
  • Tyrosine also improves mental acuity, focus, and mood by increasing levels of catecholamines found in the bloodstream.
  • A study done at the Naval Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory reported that a dose of L-Tyrosine, when provided to sleep deprived subjects, ameliorated psychomotor performance declines associated with mental fatigue.


  • Choline Bitartrate is formed when choline is combined with tartaric acid. 
  • This increases the choline's bioavailability and in turn, makes it more effective. 
  • When supplemented, choline bitartrate increases levels of acetylcholine in the body....a neurotransmitter that stimulates muscle contractions and is required for proper memory, cognition, and motor control. 
  • Increasing choline levels can produce a nootropic type effect as well as create longer and stronger muscle contractions.


  • Huperizine A is a selective inhibitor of the neurotransmitter acetylcholinesterase (AChE), which means it prevents the breakdown and increases the amount of acetylcholine; an important neurotransmitter in the central nervous system involved in cognition and muscular contractions. 
  • Multiple studies have shown that supplementation with Huperzine-A can enhance focus, memory and mood.
  • A study conducted by Sun et al. (1999) reported that subjects who supplemented with Huperzine A for 4 weeks improved learning performance and memort compared to a placebo group.



  • Taurine is one of the most important, useful, and safest amino acids.  Taurine is best known for its beneficial effects on the heart and cardiovascular system. Early clinical research also suggests that taurine, in combination with caffeine, can produce improvements in mental performance.  When the body engages in extreme physical activity, it no longer will be able to produce the necessary amounts of taurine, therefore supplementation becomes necessary.
  • Taurine is involved in the regulation of core body temperature and may help prevent heat stress and stroke.
  • Taurine is also acts is an osmolyte; assisting the body in maintaining proper water balance.
  • Zhang et al. (2004) found that individuals who supplemented with taurine for 1 week before an exhaustive exercise bout significantly improved time to exhaustion, VO2 max, and maximal workload. It also decreased exercise induced DNA damage.


  • Calcium, potassium, and phosphorus are vital electrolytes needed to maintain bodily water balance and facilitate motor neuron function.
  • The combination of these electrolytes in CALCI-K are highly soluble and readily absorbed by the body.
  • Electrolytes have been shown to prevent muscle cramps and are essential to normal muscular contractions.
  • As we exercise electrolytes are lost through sweat and must be replaced in order to prevent decreases in performance
  • Sims et al. (2007) discovered that pre-exercise ingestion of a high-sodium beverage increased plasma volume before exercise and involved less thermoregulatory and perceived strain during exercise and increased exercise capacity in warm conditions.

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Nutra Bio Pre Stim Free

Only $1.99 per serving!




  • Builds explosiveness, power, and strength†
  • Enhances endurance and increases reps†
  • Accelerates performance and recovery†
  • Supercharges mental focus and acuity†
  • No proprietary blends and full label disclosure.
  • 6.5GLeucine & Creatine
  • 3.2GBeta-Alanine

NutraBio PRE Stim-Free, as the name implies, is our stimulant free version of our PRE formula. We created PRE Stim-Free for those individuals who are sensitive to ingredients such as caffeine, hit the gym late at night, or otherwise want a pre-workout with the performance boosting ingredients found in PRE minus the stimulants. To that extent we can say PRE Stim-Free is absolutely the most thorough, effective, and purest stimulant free pre-workout in existence. PRE Stim-Free is built upon clinically dosed and scientifically backed ingredients proven to maximize workout performance and produce results. Athletes of all levels realize that in order to achieve the most effective training session that strength, endurance, energy production, and focus are a must. A complete stimulant free pre-workout supplement should support all of these benefits. The synergistic combination of ingredients found in PRE Stim-Free help prepare your body physiologically and psychologically by supporting increases in muscular strength, power, and endurance, enhancing the mind-muscle connection, and combatting fatigue.  From top to bottom PRE Stim-Free will help keep you training stronger and longer. Take a deeper look into PRE Stim-Free and you will find:

  • Clinical doses of 15 research-backed ingredients
  • Beta-Alanine to increase endurance and help counteract fatigue caused by hydrogen ion accumulation.
  • Pharmapure creatine monohydrate for greater strength, power, and muscle growth. Creatine MagnaPower for increased solubility and absorption.
  • L-Leucine to help stimulate muscle protein synthesis, prevent muscle catabolism, and lessen recovery time between sessions.
  • Huperzine A to promote a strong mind-muscle connection and supercharge mental focus.
  • Betaine anhydrous to support creatine production, increase power and strength output, and protect cells from dehydration.
  • Agmatine sulfate and Nitrosigine to stimulate nitric oxide pathways leading to greater vasodilation and bigger muscle pumps.
  • Electrolyte and hydration optimizer that helps maintain water balance in the muscle, facilitates motor neuron function, and increase exercise capacity.

Since day one NutraBio has never been happy maintaining the status quo when it comes to pre-workouts. We have always been the innovators; not the replicators. Although the industry makes it seems like non-proprietary blends, proper dosing, and scientifically backed ingredients are something new; the fact is NutraBio pioneered this trend over 15 years ago.  We focused on creating the best, and we've done just that with PRE Stim-Free. PRE Stim-Free has everything you need in one comprehensive, open label, clinically dosed formula and nothing you don't. We pride ourselves on purity. What you see on the label is exactly what you get. PRE Stim-Free contains no fillers, excipients, proprietary blends, or other potentially unhealthy or unneeded additives.
At the end of the day, NutraBio isn't just about marketing hype and trying to maximize our profit. It's all about giving athletes what they want to meet their performance needs by giving them access to clean supplements that are innovative and effective. Like you, we want to train hard and see the results of our efforts.  Compare NutraBio PRE Stim-Free to any other stimulant free pre-workout on the market and ask yourself whose formula was created WITHOUT COMPROMISE. We think you'll find that even the most "self-proclaimed" strongest formulated stimulant free pre-workouts pale in comparison to PRE Stim-Free.
Game over. NutraBio PRE Stim-Free dominates the stimulant free pre-workout landscape.

The Science Behind NutraBio PRE Stim-Free

A closer look at the 15 ingredients and doses used to make NutraBio PRE Stim-Free the premier stimulant free pre-workout on the market.



  • Leucine is one of the essential branched chain amino acids (BCAA). By itself it can stimulate muscle protein synthesis; the process responsible for muscle growth and recovery.  This is why it is often referred to as the "main" amino acid.
  • Supplementation with at least 2/grams daily leucine has been shown decrease muscle soreness, lessen recovery time between workouts, and increase lean muscle mass.
  • Howatson et al. (2012) discovered that leucine (combined with isoleucine and valine) administered before muscle damaging resistance exercises reduced indices of muscle damage and accelerated recovery in resistance trained males.
  • NutraBio's leucine is derived from fermented vegetables sources as opposed to animal based sources.


  • Beta-alanine (BA) is a version of the amino acid alanine which serves as the precursor to carnosine (ß-alanyl-L-histidine) in skeletal muscle.  Supplementing with BA is a highly effective means of increasing muscle carnosine content.  Increased muscle carnosine helps buffer the negative side effects of hydrogen ion accumulation in muscles as exercise intensity increases.
  • Beta-Alanine supplementation has been linked to improved exercise performance and delayed fatigue at higher intensities in both trained and untrained individuals in events lasting 1-4 minutes. 
  • Increases in lean muscle mass and muscular endurance have also been noted with supplementation.
  • A recent meta-analysis confirmed the ergogenic effect of beta-alanine, showing a 2.85% increase in exercise performance compared to placebo when dosed at ~2/grams daily.


  • Creatine is an amino acid (broken down protein) derived compound produced in the body that serves as the primary fuel source (ATP) for short duration, high intensity activities such as sprinting and weight lifting.  Creatine is stored primarily in muscle tissue, and it is used for rephosphorylating ADP into ATP. This means that when our muscles use up our energy stores, creatine helps to replenish those stores in a fairly rapid manner.  Approximately 2 grams of creatine are found in individuals that do not supplement and maintain a diet including animal based proteins.  Those who do supplement can increase their body's internal creatine pool by 10 to 40% depending on diet and total lean muscle mass.
  • As a whole creatine is arguably the most extensively researched and effective supplement available today.  Over 500 studies exist of the ergogenic benefits of creatine supplementation with over 70% of these studies producing significant improvements in performance without any detrimental side effects.
  • Creatine has been proven to increase lean muscle mass, maximal strength, power, and muscular endurance. 
  • Creatine may also help keep you hydrated in extreme outdoor conditions
  • Emerging research suggest creatine may provide cognitive and overall brain health benefits.
  • Creatine MagnaPower is more soluble than creatine monohydrate and in theory should absorb better; requiring a lower dose to achieve the same ergogenic benefits as creatine monohydrate.
  • The ISSN (International Society of Sports Nutrition) position stand on creatine monohydrate (CM) found that short-term CM supplementation has been reported to improve maximal power/strength (5–15%), work performed during sets of maximal effort muscle contractions (5–15%), single-effort sprint performance (1–5%), and work performed during repetitive sprint performance (5–15%). Long-term CM supplementation appears to enhance the overall quality of training, leading to 5 to 15% greater gains in strength and performance.


  • Betaine, scientifically referred to as Trimethylglycine, is a metabolite of choline.  Betaine's two main functions in the body are as a methyl donor and osmolyte.  As an osmolyte, betaine protects proteins, cells, and enzymes from heat, dehydration, and other physiological stresses.  As a methyl donor, betaine is used to convert homocysteine to L-methionine, and is therefore, a precursor to creatine.
  • Doses of 2500-6000mg betaine daily may increase muscular strength, endurance, and total training volume.
  • Betaine also plays a role in hepatic fat metabolism, promoting muscle protein synthesis, and has been suggested to increase nitric oxide levels.
  • A study conducted by the University of Connecticut found that individuals supplementing with 1.25 grams of betaine twice/daily increased bench press power 20%.


  • Malic acid plays a vital role in the Krebs cycle where it helps turn carbs, proteins, and fats into energy.
  •  If there is an inadequate supply of malic acid in the body the Krebs cycle cannot function properly which leads to premature fatigue.



  • L-Citrulline is an amino acid that plays an important role in nitric oxide metabolism and regulation.
  • It is converted to L-Arginine in the body to support L-Arginine and nitric oxide levels.
  • Increased production of nitric oxide (NO) promotes vascular dilation which improves oxygen and blood circulation throughout the body.
  • L-Citrulline is also expected to relieve muscle fatigue through ammonia elimination.
  • A 2015 study conducted by Bailey et al. found subjects who supplemented with 6000mg L-Citrulline for 7 days were able to improve oxygen uptake and performance during high-intensity exercise.


  • Agmatine Sulfate is a byproduct of Arginine through decarboxylation. It produces other byproducts that are involved in cell growth, structural and metabolic support to the nervous system. 
  • Decarboxylated arginine cannot be broken down in the liver and consequently increases blood flow to working muscles through vasodilation.
  • Agmatine has also been shown to manipulate pain receptors which may allow you to train past normal pain thresholds.
  • PRE uses a vegan source of agmatine that us derived from fermented plants.


  • Nitrosigine is a bonded complex of arginine and silicon that helps enhance nitric oxide levels to a greater degree compared to arginine alone.
  • Increased nitric oxide levels promote the relaxation of smooth muscle in blood vessels, increasing blood flow to working muscles.
  • In pre-clinical studies nitrosigine was found to be more biologically active than arginine chloride.  The research also showed enhanced blood flow during and after exercise which may help with muscle growth and recovery.



  • Tyrosine is an essential amino acid whose primary role in the body is as the direct precursor to thyroxine and to the hormones dopamine, epinephrine, and norepinephrine.
  • Tyrosine may improve both endurance and anaerobic performance via metabolic and/or neurotransmitter upregulation.
  • Tyrosine also improves mental acuity, focus, and mood by increasing levels of catecholamines found in the bloodstream.
  • A study done at the Naval Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory reported that a dose of L-Tyrosine, when provided to sleep deprived subjects, ameliorated psychomotor performance declines associated with mental fatigue.


  • Choline Bitartrate is formed when choline is combined with tartaric acid. 
  • This increases the choline's bioavailability and in turn, makes it more effective. 
  • When supplemented, choline bitartrate increases levels of acetylcholine in the body....a neurotransmitter that stimulates muscle contractions and is required for proper memory, cognition, and motor control. 
  • Increasing choline levels can produce a nootropic type effect as well as create longer and stronger muscle contractions.


  • Huperizine A is a selective inhibitor of the neurotransmitter acetylcholinesterase (AChE), which means it prevents the breakdown and increases the amount of acetylcholine; an important neurotransmitter in the central nervous system involved in cognition and muscular contractions. 
  • Multiple studies have shown that supplementation with Huperzine-A can enhance focus, memory and mood.
  • A study conducted by Sun et al. (1999) reported that subjects who supplemented with Huperzine A for 4 weeks improved learning performance and memort compared to a placebo group.



  • Taurine is one of the most important, useful, and safest amino acids.  Taurine is best known for its beneficial effects on the heart and cardiovascular system. Early clinical research also suggests that taurine, in combination with caffeine, can produce improvements in mental performance.  When the body engages in extreme physical activity, it no longer will be able to produce the necessary amounts of taurine, therefore supplementation becomes necessary.
  • Taurine is involved in the regulation of core body temperature and may help prevent heat stress and stroke.
  • Taurine is also acts is an osmolyte; assisting the body in maintaining proper water balance.
  • Zhang et al. (2004) found that individuals who supplemented with taurine for 1 week before an exhaustive exercise bout significantly improved time to exhaustion, VO2 max, and maximal workload. It also decreased exercise induced DNA damage.


  • Calcium, potassium, and phosphorus are vital electrolytes needed to maintain bodily water balance and facilitate motor neuron function.
  • The combination of these electrolytes in CALCI-K are highly soluble and readily absorbed by the body.
  • Electrolytes have been shown to prevent muscle cramps and are essential to normal muscular contractions.
  • As we exercise electrolytes are lost through sweat and must be replaced in order to prevent decreases in performance
  • Sims et al. (2007) discovered that pre-exercise ingestion of a high-sodium beverage increased plasma volume before exercise and involved less thermoregulatory and perceived strain during exercise and increased exercise capacity in warm conditions.


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